Popular professions in Glarus

Commercial Manager

62 salary entries

CHF 65 000


41 salary entries

CHF 65 000


33 salary entries

CHF 63 725


29 salary entries

CHF 79 000

Team Leader

26 salary entries

CHF 93 875


25 salary entries

CHF 59 800

Project Leader

24 salary entries

CHF 83 000


23 salary entries

CHF 67 600

Technical Designer

22 salary entries

CHF 62 075


22 salary entries

CHF 78 000

More salaries nearby


St. Gallen

25 571 salaries



7 331 salaries



6 582 salaries



997 salaries

What is the average wage in the Canton of Glarus?

If you are interested in a job in the Canton of Glarus, you should find out about the usual wages in the region so that you are prepared for wage negotiations. The median wage in Canton Glarus is CHF 73 044. This is the result based on 1 585 entries in the salary comparison tool of jobs.ch. In the main town of Glarus there are countless small and medium-sized companies that regularly have new jobs to offer. Other interesting places to look for jobs are Mollis, Niederbrunnen or Näfels.

What is the average wage in the Canton of Glarus?

Wages in the Canton of Glarus vary according to the different industries and sectors. The Banking / Financial institutions sector has the best wages in the canton, second best wages are paid in the Machine / System construction sector. The third Place of the highest median wages in the Canton of Glarus goes to the Medical Technology industry. Because of Lake Walen and the mountains, this canton is particularly appreciated by nature lovers who appreciate the peace and quiet far from the big cities, for living and working. Furthermore, the cost of living here is much lower than in many other Swiss regions.